Saturday, May 8, 2010

Random Facts About Me

I doubt anyone will read this. It's more for me to look back at in 10 years and laugh! (Thanks for letting me steal this from your blog, Wendy.)

Birth date: October 14, 1983 (Libra pride!)

Height: 5'4'' (that's why I wear heels nearly every day)

Eye color: Blueish-gray

Hair color: Real color=?, Current color=red/auburn

What does your name mean: Trisha=noble, Hepworth=home high on a hill, Reynolds=brave

High school graduation year: 2001

Favorite TV shows: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, The Office, South Park, American's Next Top Model, Project Runway, The Biggest Loser, Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, So You Think You Can Dance, Weeds

What's on your mousepad: U of U Alumni Association

In the car- ac or windows: Windows, until it's about 90 oustide

Do you believe in yourself: 95% of the time

Favorite game: Ticket To Ride, Compatibility

Favorite drink: Beer, coffee, diet Coke

Favorite food: CHEESE, nachos, Greek, Mexican, Indian, Middle Eastern

Favorite colors: Black, purple, green

Favorite sounds: Music, laughing

Favorite smell: Fruity stuff, spicy stuff, good-smelling-boy-smells

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Read, sleep in, catch up on Tivo, go out to restaurants/bars with my husband, attend sporting events

Favorite soundtrack: Cocktail, Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing

First thought in the morning: Can I get away with a few more minutes of sleep?

Do you get motion sickness: No, thank God.

Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: Love them!

How many rings before you answer the phone: My phone doesn't ring -- it plays a different song depending on who calls.

Are you a good friend: Depends if I really like you or not.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla with cream cheese frosting.

What do you drive: 2009 Nissan Rogue (just got it and love it!)

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool as long as they don't happen too often.

What do you wear to bed: Shorts and a tanktop if I'm feeling fat, nothing if I'm feeling sexy ;

Guys- If a girl ever asked you for the shirt on your back, would you give it to her?

Girls- Would you ever ask a guy for his shirt? No that sounds dumb.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I've been thinking about going back blonde.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I really want to get one this year! Some type of book or a stack of books, and probably on my foot.

Favorite brand of gum: Extra Spearmint (the green package)

What's on your walls in your room: A picture frame jewelry box, a big clock, and a contemporary art piece.

When y
ou meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Eyes and hair

What's under your bed: Plastic bins storing Joe's extra shoes

Who do you have a big crush on right now: Kate Walsh

Nickname: Shisha

Favorite Salad Dressing: Balsamic from The Bayou, ginger from Benihana, and ranch from Cafe Rio

One pillow or two: one

Pets: none. Ick.

Favorite Movies: The Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing, Good Will Hunting, Memoirs
of a Geisha, Kill Bill 1&2, Overboard, The Hangover

Favorite type of music: Seems like my favorites fit one of the following criteria -- lesbians or foreign (or both) -- Brandi Carlile, Regina Spektor, Amy Winehouse, Gabriella Cilmi, Shakira, Tegan & Sara, Duggy, Kate Nash, Adele, Kings of Leon, La Roux, Florence + The Machine, Paolo Nutini, The Kooks

Hobbies: Reading, sleeping, TV, eating, drinking beer, trying new restaurants, sporting events, Sudoku, cooking, browing online, Facebook (sad but true), biking

Piercing or tattoos: 7 in my ears and 1 in my bellybutton

Do you get along with your parents: Not lately. It's an ongoing struggle.

Favorite song at the moment: "Rabbit Heart" by Florence + The Machine

Favorite Holiday: All of October -- my birthday, my husband's birthday, our anniversary, time for fall clothes, AND the World Series!

Were you named after anyone: some client in the database at my mom's work (health insurance company)

When was the last time you cried: Couple days ago when I heard about Steph's baby JJ maybe moving to another family.

Do you like your handwriting: Yes

What is your favorite lunch meat: Mesquite smoked turkey

Do you have kids: Not yet.

If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself: Yes, I'm fun!

Do you use sarcasm: Never ;)

Do you still have your tonsils: Yes, but I would REALLY like to get them taken out

Would you bungee jump: Already done it. Overrated.

What is your favorite cereal: Something peanut butter, sadly

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off: No

Do you think you are strong: Physically - no. Mentally - yes.

What is your favorite ice cream: I don't really like ice cream, but if I have to choose, I'll say Chubby Hubby.

Red or pink: Both!

What is the least favorite thing about yourself: Being lazy and unmotivated sometimes.

Who do you miss the most: Stephany!

What color shoes are you wearing: None right now

What was the last thing you ate: BMT from Subway

What are you listening to right now: Waiting for the Sox/Yankees game to get over the stupid rain delay

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: My mom

Mountain hideaway or beach house: Beach house

Favorite sports to watch: Baseball

Do you wear contacts: Yes, but I hate them. I really want Lasik but I don't qualify b/c my retinas are too thin.

Scary movies or happy endings: Neither -- I like REAL endings

Last movie you watched: Bread & Tulips

What color shirt are you wearing: Lime green

Summer or winter: Summer

Hugs or kisses: Kisses

Favorite dessert: A cheese plate

Strength training or cardio: Cardio (bike)

Computer or television: Both at the same time!

What book are you reading now: The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson (love it!)

Rolling Stones or Beatles: Both!

What is the farthest you have been from home: Spain

Where were you born: St Mark's Hospital in SLC

1 comment:

  1. I read it! Thanks.
    So if bungee jumping was overrated, we should skydive when you're here next. :)
