Tuesday, August 17, 2010

blue playdoh

These 10(ish)-year-old girls that live in my condos were having a "yard sale" with some of their toys last night. It was pretty hilarious. The stuff was pretty new, but used once or twice. It looked as if one of them had recently had a birthday party and was pawning off all the gifts she didn't like.

I noticed a tub of blue PlayDoh, which I'd been meaning to buy anyway for my play therapy shelf. Here is how our conversation went --

Trisha: Hey girls, how much for that blue PlayDoh?
Girls: That's on sale for $1.
Trisha: Well I have some bad news for you. Walmart sells that brand-new for $0.88.
Girls, without skipping a beat: We can sell it for $0.70 then!

I went in the house, scrounged up $0.70, and did the deal. When I got back in the house, Joe said, "So you gave them $0.75, right?" Right then and there, I realized what a horrible, cheap person I am. Did I really barter with a 10-year-old over $0.12? I should be stoned to death with PlayDoh tubs full of rocks :(

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