Thursday, September 9, 2010


Finally! The doctor agreed to take my tonsils out!

I have wanted these things out for years. On the size scale from 1-5, mine have been a "five plus" for as long as I can remember. Well, ok, only since I was a smoker. My bad. I guess I deserve this surgery now.

I've heard that adult tonsil removal is hell. And I've SEEN that hell first hand that since both my brother and my sister got their tonsils out as adults. But honestly I don't even care. I will be so happy when I no longer get food stuck in my throat, snore, or feel like I'm always swallowing my own tonsils.

And the best part is ... I get two weeks off work! Unfortunately, I had to schedule the surgery the week before our next trip to South Dakota, so I'll have to spend my vacation recovering, but that is okay with me.

So if you want to give me a gift card to Emerald City or Jamba Juice around Sept 27, that would be cool with me ;)


  1. You think two weeks will be enough? You may have another think coming.

  2. Holy S***! Those are huge!

    That's what she said....ha,ha,ha.

  3. LOL Kristen you are bad.

    Let me clarify -- that is not a pic of MY tonsils. Those are whatever tonsils came up when I googled "tonsils". Mine are probably much bigger!
