Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Favorite Things

Well everyone has been doing these "favorite things" blogs lately, so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon. Plus, it's been forever since I posted a new blog, and I don't want to lose readers, so I just went for the first idea I had ;)

Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets
My friend Stephany introduced me to these things while I was visiting her in Texas. I had seen Oil Blotter Sheets, you know the ones that are the texture of a toilet seat cover, but these Clean and Clear ones are different and so much better! They feel kind of rubbery with a fine powdery-texture all over, sort of like a dental dam (think dentist visit or safe oral sex). You would never think these things absorb oil, but MAN, do they! In fact, by the time you are done blotting your whole face, the thing will be see-through with all the oil it collects! It sounds gross, I know, but wouldn't you rather that oil be sitting in your trash can that on your face?

Bath and Body Works Instant Aromatherapy Oils

I had a coupon for a free body care item with any $10 purchase -- you know the ones -- so I picked up two of these the other day. They are normally $10, but are on sale for $5 this week. The bottles are cute and compact, and you just roll a bit on whenever you need a pick-me-up! I bought Headache Relieve (peppermint and geranium oil) and Optimism (jasmine and tuberose) and they are awesome! It might just be a placebo effect, but I swear they make me happier. They also have ones for Cold and Flu, Energy Boost, Sleep Sound, and Stress Relief.

Amazon Kindle
OK, OK, so it's not new. But I LOVE IT MORE THAN ANYTHING, so I'm going to make a shameless plug for it. I figure the more people who own Kindles, the more demand for electronic books, and the more choice I will have. So if you haven't seen mine: it's an electronic book reader, holds up to 200 books in just 10 ounces, comes with wireless network coverage so you can download a new book whenever you want, and uses eInk technology so there is virtually NO eye strain like on a laptop or PDA. New releases and best sellers are just $9.99, and most older books are cheaper. I can't tell you how much money this thing has saved me in the last year! Instead of $200 Barnes and Noble binges, I just download a couple cheap books, and put the rest in the wedding fund. It has paid for itself many times over. It's a must-have for any serious reader.

This follows nicely after the Kindle rant...I recently bought matching skins for all my electronic devices: Kindle, BlackBerry, Zune, and laptop. What is it about girls that we just have to have everything matching? And the coolest thing is that they all come with a code so you can download a matching background!!

Today's DOD
(Deal of the Day)
You've heard me talk about Whiskey Militia and Steep and Cheap. Then came Woot and Shnoop. Now, find those and dozens of other discount websites all in one convenient place! Check out my most recent purchase -- the Infinite Dress!

I know, I know, I'm shallow. I only did it because I'm getting married in October, and I don't want a frown line in every picture for all eternity. But shallow or not, this shit is AWESOME! Not only is my frown line gone, but my forehead DOES NOT SWEAT. It's amazing. Maybe I'll get some in my armpits next...

Private Practice
I've been watching this show for a couple seasons, but I just recently figured out why I love it so much more than the other stupid shoes I watch (namely, The Bachelor). Every episode presents an ethical dilemma, and the doctors all argue for or against their position. For example, one recent episode was about parents who don't immunize their kids because they think it causes autism (which is NOT true by the way) and the consequences it can have for their own families and for the community at large. But the show doesn't just take one position -- it always present all sides of the issue, so I could actually empathize with the mom who REALLY BELIEVED that her son got autism from his MMR shot (even though she's wrong and stupid).

I just have to tell everyone that he cleaned our whole condo for the Superbowl Party while I was at work on Saturday. He didn't just pick up -- he vacuumed, did the dishes, and EVEN CLEANED THE BATHROOM. He is amazing and I can't wait to be married to him.


  1. You are so cute & I'm glad you posted a new blog. I agree on the BBW thing, I love the headache relief one I swear it does work. & Botox I want it but can't afford it maybe some day.

  2. I watched that episode of Private Practice. That whole immunization thing DRIVES ME CRAZY! I work with kids that have Autism, and I hear about it all the time. Just because your child starts showing symptoms of Autism around the same time they are supposed to get immunized doesn't mean they are related! haha

  3. I see where i rank... LAST ;) love ya

  4. I saved the best for last. Be nice or I'll take you off all together.

  5. To add that "I'm Reading" thing I added the picture gadget to the side of my page. Then I titled it "I'm Reading" and I find the cover of the book on google images and post the URL in the spot. There may be a better way that I don't know about.
