Monday, March 15, 2010

Joe's Love Language

I just finished reading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. It's been on my "list" for as long as I can remember. I finally picked it up a few weeks ago to use with some clients. Turns out it's been way more influential in my OWN marriage than with my clients!

The 5 love languages are:
-- words of affirmation
-- quality time
-- receiving gifts
-- acts of service
-- physical touch
It's pretty easy to identify yours and/or your partner's love languages, but here is an assessment if you need a little help.

I always thought that sex was Joe's preferred way of being shown love -- because he's a guy, and because he's Joe. However, I learned that it's more than just sex -- his love language is "quality time". I guess that could include sex, but it's not just sex, or that would be "physical touch".

I'm going to do a little secret experiment on him and document my experiences here for you all to read! Actually, it's more for my own purposes than for y'all, but why not let you learn from my marriage? My goal is to spend "quality time" with Joe two times each week. These have to be things HE enjoys and wants to do with me. The book has some suggestions of how to do this, but I'm not going to type them all out, so go buy the book if you want to know the details.

Watch for reports to come!


  1. I can't wait to see how this goes. I can see that Joe's would be quality time, he just wants to be with you no matter what you guys are doing, you have a good man!
