Friday, March 5, 2010

Things That Must Go*

Coworkers who continually ask you for help and reassurance
Coworkers who care more about what's convenient for them than what's best for kids
Coworkers who play their music too loud
Coworkers who complain too much
Coworkers who take my State car
Metro jail policies
Metro jail staff
Snow on my day off
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
My Zune
Furnaces that leak carbon monoxide
Water heaters that only heat 10-minutes worth of water
Microwaves that stop working for no reason
Computer viruses
Clients with bad boundaries
Clients with lice
Clients who don't follow through with homework
Clients who refuse to take their meds
Clients who try to control me
Old coffee
Houses without a washer or dryer
Dwight Schrute
The Nip/Tuck series finale
Noisy neighbors
Asshole neighbors
Neighbors who think they can park wherever they want
Neighbors who stack trash up next to the dumpster
Neighbors who doorbell ditch
Moms who enable their kids
Moms who blame their kids for stuff they didn't do
Judgmental people
Hateful people

*Title respectfully and thankfully borrowed from X96 Radio From Hell

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