Monday, April 19, 2010

Finally a Decision!

Joe's pretty indecisive. Since the beginning of the year, he has suggested the following projects, none of which have come to fruition:
  • put our condo in the market
  • buy a new furnace
  • put new windows in our condo
  • fix his broken-down truck
  • buy a new Subaru
  • buy a new ANYTHING
Well, he finally made a decision -- that I should get a new car! What a nice husband. So here I am, rolling around in my (barely used) 2009 Nissan Rogue. With tinted windows. I should get some rims and a sub woofer.

Dear Ty, my old boss from Jerry Seiner. He hooked me up. But he doesn't know SHIT about colors. I told him I wanted gray, black, or silver. Anything but red, blue, or white. So he calls me: "I have a really nice white one! Just come check it out."

So I show up, dead set against it. He pulls it out of the back. It's not white. It's DIAMOND white. BIG DIFFERENCE. Ty doesn't think it matters. But it does! White is boring and ugly. Diamond white is sparkly and sexy. I might have ranked that color had I thought about it. He almost lost that sale over a "white" Rogue.

Bottom line is, I love it!

1 comment:

  1. I believe the only man I know that cares about specific colors is my dad (with all the remodeling projects and paint colors, etc). haha Erick would call that white in a heartbeat! :) I'm glade you LOVE it.
