Sunday, October 5, 2008

murphy's law

as you may have read last week, i ordered these cute lip balms for kara's baby shower. and true to form, murphy and his stupid law stepped in. the customized labels came printed on 2" carboard cutouts, rather than 1.5" stickers. had any ONE of the following factors happened differently, things would have been fine, but of course they all added up for this great cumulative effect: 4 hours out of my Friday night on the phone with the manufacturor and driving to Kinkos and the scrapbook store to compromise a solution:

-- had i paid for 2 day shipping instead of 3 day shipping, they would have been here in time to fix the problem
-- had UPS not lied to me by saying this package didn't require a signature, i would have made sure to be home on thursday, and had time to fix the problem
-- had the driver not decided my neighborhood was "unsafe", he would have left the package on thursday, and i would have had time to fix the problem
-- had seop conferences been running on time friday, i would have opened the package soon enough to see the problem, and call before 5
-- had the manufactorer been in any time zone but the east, i would have reached them before 5 and they could have overnighted me the right labels
-- had these idiots not printed the wrong labels in the first place, things would have been fine. i better get my $ back.

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