Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break Day 5

A whole day at sea! What can we possibly find to do.....?

Art auction: This would have been interesting if the first hour hadn't been devoted to browsing through all the pieces! I just wanted to see how fast the auctioneer could talk and laugh at rich fools as they threw away all their money. At least we had free champagne while we waited. And I discovered my favorite new artist: Itzchak Tarkay (pronounced Eat-Sock Tark-Eye). His work is AMAZING! Too bad the watercolor landscape I wanted started at $12,000.

Horse races: Remember that little pony-head-on-a-stick you had when you were little? Who ever thought six of these ponies could come together to create the MOST FUN I HAVE EVER HAD ON A CRUISE SHIP?! You bet $1 on whichever horse feels lucky, and then wait for your dice to be rolled! Sounds stupid, but I swear to you, this is more edge-of-your-seat action than the NBA playoffs. My horse won the first round, Joe's won the second round, and unfortunately, neither of our horses won the final bonus round :(

Gambling: Joe stopped by the casino for some three-card poker action. He'd been lucky in Vegas, but just to outdo himself, he had to hit a three of a kind! That pays 30:1, you know. His single hand paid for my gambling all week. Good job, baby!

Hyponist: If you haven't seen one, you have to go! I laughed so hard that my sides hurt. It was an "adult's only" show and the tasks included:
-- Whenever the hypnotist looked at one of the women, her panties were to immediately begin vibrating
-- The participants were told that they had an extreme case of poison ivy on their asses, and the only way to relieve the itching was to scratch against the person next to them
-- The participants were told that the room was getting hotter than an oven, so they all began stripping off their clothes (underwear stayed on). Then, when getting dressed again, they couldn't find the arm or neck holes in their shirts, so they got tangled in their clothes until directed otherwise.
-- Whenever the hypnotist chose one participant to dance with, all the other participants were to become extremely jealous. But they were glued to their chairs and their chairs were glued to the floor. You should have seen these people FREAKING OUT because they couldn't stop their lover from dancing with someone else.

It was a great day at sea and a great trip overall! Off to bed for a looooong drive back to Salt Lake tomorrow!

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