Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break Day 3

Joe and I made the 5 hour drive from Vegas to San Diego this morning. I had this really weird experience with California traffic. It's as if I were expecting to just drive straight up to the cruise ship. I didn't factor in all the towns, freeways, and cars along the way. I had to pull over and make Joe drive because I was having so much anxiety -- but that just made things WORSE! He was tailgating people at 90 MPH, and his excuse was, "That's how all Californians drive. If you leave room, people will cut into your lane." Good thing I don't get car sick. I just had to focus on the Kindle or counting all the Chili's restaurants (I think I saw 15 between Vegas and San Diego).

I have to say that I'm VERY impressed with Carnival Cruise Lines. This was my ninth cruise, but my first one with Carnival. Despite showing up without any documents (we are slackers), we were on the ship in less than 20 minutes. And another cool thing we figured out for this cruise -- you can carry on one bottle of wine person. THAT saved us probably $100!

After checking out our room and unpacking, we toured the ship, which took about 3 minutes because it was pretty tiny. Then we headed straight for trivia. Here are some of the stupid questions they asked (answers at the bottom). We probably would have won but we got there late and missed the first few questions.

1. A bear is standing in a house. All 4 sides of the house face south. What color is the bear?
2. An electric train is going westbound at 50 MPH. The wind is blowing 50 MPH to the east. What direction will the smoke from the train go?
3. A plane crashes on the border of the United States and Canada. In which country will the survivors be buried?

We met a really cool couple from Mesa, Arizona, Dan and Lissa. We had dinner with them every night and hung out with them a couple other times on the cruise. Lissa got 2nd place in the ship's slot tournament. And on the second day, Dan and Lissa got engaged! It was really fun to share that with them. We're going to stay in touch through Facebook.

The food was really good on the ship. I had seafood every night. But the best part was DESSERT. I had the same dessert every night on the ship, and guess what it was? A cheese plate! It was amazing!! It was an assortment of cheeses like Port Salut, Brie, Gouda, Imported Swiss, and Danish Bleu. Best thing I ate all week.

After dinner we hung out in the Casino. I just kept losing all the money Joe won (just like in Vegas). We ended up about even after the whole trip. The ship had one of those cool new dealer-less card-less poker tables. It's a cool idea, but Joe didn't really like playing on it.

We checked out the dancing/singing show but it sucked, so we went to bed. Tomorrow, Ensenada...

Quiz answers:
1. White (if all 4 sides of the house are facing south, then the house must be located on the North Pole, so it's a polar bear)
2. Electric trains don't make smoke
3. Neither -- "survivors" won't be buried

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