Monday, December 1, 2008

Excuses, excuses

Everyone makes mistakes. It's part of life. I'm all about "forgive and forget," but it really gets to me when people can't accept responsibility for their mistakes. See, for example, the allergy tech who messed up my face in October. How am I supposed to forgive you if you don't admit you did something wrong in the first place? No one likes to admit they are wrong, I get that. I HATE admitting when I'm wrong, especially to Joe. But sometimes you just have to suck it up and take the blame.

So this is why I was so annoyed to read this news story. It states, "People late for school or work because of New York City subway delays can get notes from the transit agency to give to their teachers or bosses." OK, I can see that this might be a legitimate excuse on occasion, but then I read how many notes they send out each year: 34,000!!! And this is not just a simple form letter, you see: "Each letter shows the subway line taken and the durations of the trip and the delay." And to waste even more time, "NYC Transit is working on an online system so it can accept Internet requests and e-mail the excuse letters."

Please stop wasting our tax dollars on this program. If you're late to work or school, that's your own damn fault. Leave an hour earlier. Buy a car or carpool. Get a different job. Or, keep being late if you must, but know that it's all on you. I'm late every damn day, and you don't see me blaming the traffic, the weather, or my alarm clock. I'm late cause I SLEEP IN. But when I need to be on time for something, I'm a big enough girl to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. um so like yeah, I was totally like gonna comment on your excuses post like six days ago, but like, my dog got sick and I had to give her a bath and stuff and then washing my hair took forever, etc. ;) Hope you guys are well.
