Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 3: Memories about your doctor, dentist, or a hospital

I had a huge crush on my pediatrician when I was younger. He's not so sexy now, but I swear he was 20 years ago. Or maybe I just liked him because he was always giving me drugs.

Dr. Jed VanDenBerghe

This one time, I had to get a shot of antibiotics in my butt. The stupid nurse hit my nerve and I could not sit down for 2 days, literally.

Another time, my 8th grade Spanish teacher thought I had chicken pox, so she sent me home from school. I was so pissed because I liked school and I didn't want to miss out. Turns out I had Pityriasis Rosea. Pretty cool name, huh? It's basically a benign rash. I was so excited to have it just because the name was cool, and because I got to tell my Spanish teacher she was wrong.

I got my wisdom teeth out when I was a sophomore. I knew my oral surgeon's son because he was friends with my friend's cousin. Apparently when I woke up and the anesthesia was wearing off, I told my oral surgeon that his son was so hot and I was in love with him.

I got food poisoning from Chili's Triple Dipper appetizer sampler one time. I know the Southwest Egg Rolls were one of my choices because I was throwing up corn for hours. After 12 hours of never-ending expulsions from both ends, Joe finally took me to the ER. They pumped me full of fluids and anti-nausea medication. Chili's claimed no responsibility because they said it takes 12 hours for food poisoning to kick in, but I know that's where I got it. I have to admit I still eat there.


  1. I got food poisoning from California Pizza Kitchen, and when I called to complain the next day they told me that it definitely wasn't them because it would have kicked in immediately, not manifested itself 14 hours later.

    What a racket! ;)


  2. I've heard 4-6 hours for food poisoning.
    And see, the comment about how you didn't want to miss school, how can I not make fun of that??
